Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Walking Robot

Walking Robot
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Walking Robot

Modern physical therapy practices are constantly advancing and incorporating innovative technologies to accelerate and optimize the personal healing process. Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center is pioneering in integrating active walking robots into the field of physical therapy, using the latest technology to facilitate the rehabilitation process of patients with walking difficulties.

What is an Active Walking Robot?

Active walking robot is a tool that allows the patient to walk safely with his/her own muscle power in patients with balance disorders such as stroke and Multiple Sclerosis and at high risk of falling.

What are the Advantages of Active Walking Robot?

  • Thanks to its protection apparatus, the active walking robot takes the weight of the body and keeps the patient in an upright position. It allows the patient to take steps with his own muscle power, thus increasing his self-confidence.
  • Active walking robot is the stage before the patient walks with supports such as a tripod. If the patient gains sufficient muscle strength and balance with the active walking robot, he will reach his independent walking goal faster.
  • When we combine the active walking robot with a physiotherapist session, it makes it easier for the patient to prepare for the obstacles and risks they may encounter in the outdoor environment through obstacles such as funnels that can be placed on the treadmill.
  • It improves the correct walking pattern in patients with walking difficulties and balance disorders.
  • It plays an important role in relieving complaints such as constipation seen in inactive people.

What is the Difference Between Active Walking Robot and Lokomat Walking Robot?

Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center has both an active walking robot and a lokomat walking robot. The usage targets of the devices are different. Which device is preferred is determined by the physician. The patient's age, leg muscle strength, compliance with treatment and level of consciousness are important selection criteria. The aim of the Lokomat walking robot is to stimulate the brain and passively increase leg muscle strength by increasing neuroplasticity in patients with minimal or no leg muscle strength, such as traumatic brain injury or acute stroke. Our goal in the active walking robot is to ensure independent walking by taking safety precautions in patients who have made progress on the Lokomat walking robot and are afraid of walking independently during walking and are afraid of falling. If the person has sufficient leg muscle strength, it is more meaningful for the patient to walk on an active walking robot with his own active muscle power.

In which diseases is the Active Walking Robot used?

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson's
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • After orthopedic surgeries such as hip replacement
  • Muscle diseases
  • Guillain Barre
  • Elderly individuals who are afraid of falling

Active walking robots are designed to re-teach patients to walk through repetitive movements and personalized treatment programs. These robots have been specially developed for people with neurological disorders such as paralysis, spinal cord injuries, MS (Multiple Sclerosis) or people who have difficulty gaining the ability to walk.

Stroke and Post-Paralysis Rehabilitation

Stroke is a serious health problem that occurs as a result of bleeding or clot in the brain and can often result in paralysis. The rehabilitation process after a stroke is vital. Active walking robots help paralyzed patients learn to walk again. Robot-assisted walking therapy improves the patient's muscle strength and coordination, while also strengthening the connection between the brain and motor functions. This treatment method applied in our Robotic Rehabilitation Center increases the hope of stroke patients to be able to move independently again.

Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disease characterized by slowing down of motor functions and difficulty in controlling body movements. Active walking robots can be programmed to improve the walking, posture and balance of Parkinson's patients. These robots can improve the patient's mobility and walking rhythm, allowing them to be more independent in daily activities.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Active walking robots are also used in the orthopedic rehabilitation process after surgical interventions, traumas and other conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. These robots, which are used to strengthen the muscle and bone structures required for patients to be able to stand and walk again after the operation, accelerate the person's recovery process and contribute to pain management. The robots used by our Robotic Rehabilitation Center are equipped with adjustable support systems that can be customized according to the patient's needs. In this way, our physiotherapists can prepare a personalized treatment program suitable for each patient's individual needs.

Active walking robots allow patients to practice walking safely. The risk of patients moving incorrectly is minimized. YDuring crawling exercises, the robots support their body weight, helping them maintain correct posture and walking biomechanics. This allows patients to improve their walking abilities safely. Robotic walking systems used in our center may also include interactive games and activities that increase patients' motivation. In this way, treatment becomes more fun and motivating for patients. To achieve targeted therapy results, gamified treatment sessions encourage more active participation of patients, thus making the healing process more effective. Many studies have shown that physical therapy with these walking devices can significantly improve muscle strength and endurance, balance and coordination, as well as general health status and quality of life. In addition to classical physical therapy methods, this technological approach offered by our center allows rehabilitation processes to be accelerated and more patients to regain their ability to move independently.

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Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Robotic Rehabilitation Center