Robotic Rehabilitation Center


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Effects of Medical Ozone:

  1. Medical ozone has a bactericidal (killing bacteria), fungicidal (killing fungus) and virostatic (preventing viruses from growth) effect. Therefore, it is used for disinfection of infected wounds, as well as for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.
  2. It is used in circulatory disorders due to its effect on increasing blood circulation and reducing clotting.
  3. It increases the body's resistance, activates the immune system.
  4. It has an anti-aging (revitalizing) effect.


Diseases in which medical ozone is applied:

1) COPD and allergic asthma

2) Inflammatory bowel disease such as Colitis ulcerosa and the Crohn Desease

3) Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue

4) Migraine treatment

5) Neurological diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease

6) In case of general body pain due to rheumatological diseases

7) In the treatment of skin fungi, eczema, infected skin wounds, shingles and herpes

8) To increase immunity and reduce fatigue in cancer treatment

9) Treatment of diabetic foot

'OZONE THERAPY' to make an appointment or make an appointment, you can contact us or fill out the make an appointment form.

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Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Robotic Rehabilitation Center