Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Neurological Rehabilitation

Neurological Rehabilitation
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Neurological Rehabilitation

Stroke (Hemiplegia) Rehabilitation

Stroke is a disorder in the motor system that occurs as a result of the structure of the blood flowing to the brain or the rupture of one of the existing brain vessels and damage to the brain tissue due to bleeding.

As a result, different clinical findings are observed in the patient depending on the area of damage in the brain. What is obtained as a result of the detailed physical examination of each patient is included in special treatment programs accordingly.

The less time there is between having a stroke and stopping recovery, the better the results.

Our patients receive physical therapy and neurology doctor consultations every other day, special exercise programs performed by expert physiotherapists every day, electrotherapy, robotics, and speech-swallowing training is added to the treatment according to the parts of the training put together.

Cerebral Palsy (SP-CP)

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a malfunction that causes movement disorders in the body as a result of neuron deprivation of oxygen.

It can be seen during pregnancy, at birth, or in the early period after birth. It varies from child to child depending on the location and size of the infection in the brain. Increased or decreased muscle movement, limitations in joints, loss of balance, impaired hand-eye coordination, and muscle weakness are symptoms that are shown separately.

Physical therapy and adaptation as early as possible helps relieve these negative symptoms. A patient-specific exercise program, electrotherapy, is organized robotically, and speech-swallowing training is added to the treatment according to the parts of the stored training.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

It occurs with features such as muscle weakness, imbalance, speech and speech impairment, and movement limitation and shows a change in the movement system.

The role of protec3ng against Mul3ple Scle rosis is crucial.

Our patients receive physical therapy and neurology doctor consultations every other day, special exercise programs performed by expert physiotherapists every day, electrotherapy, robotics, speech-swallowing training, and treatment is added according to the parts of the combined control training.

A disorder characterized by slow, progressive impairment in the motor system. Patients have difficulty maintaining and finishing the movement. Parkinson's treatment; Our patients receive physical therapy and neurology doctor consultations every other day, special exercise programs performed by expert physiotherapists every day, electrotherapy, robotics, and speech-swallowing training is added to the treatment according to the receipt of combined control training.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal injuries occur as a result of damage to the spinal cord due to trauma or hereditary disorders. The injury may be par3al or complete, affec3ng the neck, back, and lumbar levels of the spine. Different clinical findings are observed based on the extent of the injury. Treatment is tailored specifically to the pa3ent's clinical condi3on, aiming to maximize their independence in daily life through necessary and effec3ve treatment methods.

Our pa3ents receive physical therapy and neurologist consulta3ons every other day, along with daily special exercise programs performed by specialist physiotherapists, electrotherapy, robo3cs. Addi3onal treatments are added based on a combina3on of speech-swallowing training and combined control training.

Muscle Diseases

Muscle diseases involve the degenera3on of body muscles. Muscle weakness progresses gradually, and muscle mass decreases. There may or may not be a gene3c predisposi3on. Symptoms typically emerge during childhood and youth. Common complaints in muscle diseases include frequent falls, difficulty climbing stairs or slopes, weakness in facial muscles, and drooping eyelids. There is no defini3ve treatment; however, stretching, relaxa3on, and strengthening exercises are performed in the fa3gue area, tailored to the pa3ent's tolerance. Preserving lung func3on is crucial for the con3nua3on of treatment. In the long term, the focus includes maintaining a balance between speaking and swallowing func3ons.

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