Even normal daily activities can be poisonous to people due to long-term or unknown pain, fatigue, psychological collapse and many other reasons. Hil Therapy, which stands for High Intensity Laser Therapy, is a high-intensity laser treatment. It has been widely used for years in the treatment of pain, musculoskeletal diseases and many symptoms and disorders.
What kind of effect does Hil Therapy provide?
Hil Therapy, a laser treatment, creates a positive result in the person's healing speed by helping cell-tissue regeneration with photobiostimulation. Hil Therapy, which accelerates repairs by increasing circulation, also provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects by removing and reducing substances that cause pain and inflammation.
The difference from low-intensity ones is that in Hil Therapy, it is possible to reach deep tissues.
It has anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and circulation-accelerating effects.
How are the applications done and is there any pain?
How long or how much it will be applied varies depending on the disease and its duration, and it is applied to the area where there is pain or symptoms are observed. A slight heat or warmth sensation may occur and no pain is felt.
In which areas and in which diseases can Hil Therapy be used?
These devices, which are frequently used by physiotherapists, are frequently used in the treatment of Orthopedic, Rheumatological and Sports diseases. There is no problem in using it for its intended purpose in patients with circulatory disorders, pediatric patients of a certain age, young people and the elderly.
Some diseases or disorders for which it can be used:
• General hernias such as waist and neck
• Conditions where various pain is felt
• Epicondylitis such as tennis/golfer elbow
• Bursitis diagnosis
• Tendonitis
• Tendon and muscle compressions
• Degenerated or torn muscles, tendons
• Tendon injuries
• Arthrosis such as rhizarthrosis
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Fibromyalgia
• Rheumatism
• Osteoarthritis
• Fractures
• Circulatory disorders / Edema
• Various inflammatory diseases
• Arthritis
• Sciatalgia
• ACL Injuries
• Meniscus injuries
• Heel spur
• Muscle spasms
• Burns
• Decubitus
• Radiculopathy
• Neuropathies
• Osteomyalitis
• Neuralgias
• Muscle weakness or muscle loss
• They can be used in many situations such as various injuries or disabilities
So, are there any situations where Hil Therapy cannot be used or is inconvenient?
• It is not recommended for use in pregnant women
• It is not recommended for use in cancer patients
• It is not performed in cases of varicose vein inflammation
• It should not be performed in diseases such as epilepsy and heart failure
• It should not be applied to open or inflamed wounds
• It poses a risk in cases such as pacemakers and metal implants
• Caution should be exercised in infants, children or the very elderly, or it should not be performed
'Hiltherapy' to make an appointment or make an appointment, you can contact us or fill out the make an appointment form.