Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Electrotherapy Treatments

Electrotherapy Treatments
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Electrotherapy Treatments

The usage area of electrotherapeutic agents is quite wide and they are used in the treatment of many diseases and disorders. They are very simple to use and are frequently used in the treatment of patients.

What is this thing we call electrotherapy?

Electrotherapy is simply the treatment of diseases and disorders with the help of various electrical currents. They are used in many fields from orthopedics to neurology, and they are reliable, easy and most of them do not cause any pain.

We can say that there is a great variety of instruments and currents. Nowadays, many alternative devices have been produced for a current.

So what are these Electrotherapeutic currents?

• Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Simulation (TENS) is the current used to reduce the pain that we may most commonly encounter in clinics and hospitals. Nowadays, the current, which has started to be used even at home with tiny devices, has received positive answers for many diseases when used correctly and for a long time.

• Ultrasound: Ultrasound devices, which use sound waves, are among the frequently used devices because they accelerate healing with their positive effects on circulation and help repair tissues.

• Neuromuscular Electrical Simulation (NMES) is another frequently used method. They are used in a wide range of patients, from neurological patients to surgical patients, to maintain muscle strength in cases where the muscle becomes weak and cannot be stimulated sufficiently.

• In addition to these currents, there are many types of currents such as Iontophoresis, Faradic Current, Sinusoidal Current, Medium Frequency Currents, Diadynamic Currents, High Voltage Intermittent Current, Microwave Currents, Short Wave Diathermy.

In which areas and in the treatment of which diseases can Electrotherapeutic Agents be used?

These agents, which are frequently used by physiotherapists, are frequently used in the treatment of Orthopedic, Neurological and Sports diseases. There is no problem in using it for its intended purpose in patients with circulatory disorders, pediatric patients of a certain age, young people and the elderly.

Some diseases or disorders for which it can be used:

• Neurological cases such as stroke, paralysis

• Waist and neck hernias

• Various painful conditions

• Patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia

• Treatment of rheumatism and rheumatic diseases

• Osteoarthritis

• Fractures

• Tennis/Golfer's elbow

• Bursitis

• Those with circulatory disorders / edema patients

• Various inflammatory diseases

• In types of arthritis

• Sciatalgia

• ACL Injuries

• Meniscus injuries

• MS

• Muscle spasms

• Muscle weakness or muscle loss

• They can be used in many situations such as various injuries or disabilities

So, are there any situations where Electrotherapy cannot be used or is undesirable?

• It varies depending on the application in patients who may have allergic reactions

• Many methods should not be applied to open or inflamed wounds

• It poses a risk in cases such as pacemakers and metal implants

• It is not recommended for use in cancer patients

• Care should be taken or it should not be done on babies, children or the very elderly

• It should not be performed in diseases such as epilepsy and heart failure

• It is not recommended for use in pregnant women

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