Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Dry Needling

Dry Needling
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Dry Needling

Although it is mainly used in myofacial pain treatments, it is a method that can be used safely in many cases with painful muscle spasm. In this method, the needle, which is inserted into the painful trigger points formed in the muscles stretched, causes these painful points to dissolve and the muscle to return to its normal tension.

It shows its effect in the first session. Relaxation of the stretched muscle is provided by spinal reflexes and stimulation of the muscle spindle. In this way, the muscle reaches its normal volume, it becomes more vivid and flexible, and the muscle strength increases. In general, a full recovery is achieved in a four or five session program that is applied every 5 days. It can be applied in conjunction with treatments such as physical therapy, drug therapy, taping and exercise therapy, and the effectiveness of the treatment will be greater in this way.

- Backache

- Neck pain

- Pain and numbness that spreads from neck to arm

- Lumbago

- Pain, numbness, contraction or cramp spreading from waist or hip to leg,

- Pain in the knees

- Pain in the elbows

- Pain that prevents walking

- Difficulty in movement throughout the body

- Pain in the bones

Dry needles do not contain any drugs. Therefore, allergic conditions, drug interactions and side effects are not observed.

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Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Robotic Rehabilitation Center