Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Who Can Be Applied to Tilt Table Treatment?

Who Can Be Applied to Tilt Table Treatment?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Who Can Be Applied to Tilt Table Treatment?

Tilt Table Therapy is an effective and special treatment method applied in physical therapy and rehabilitation centers. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are pioneers in offering the most modern and innovative treatment methods to our patients. Tilt Table, also known as tilt table therapy, is a rehabilitation tool designed especially for patients who have lost much of their mobility or have been bedridden for a certain period of time. Thanks to its capacity to lift the body into a vertical position, it is effective in a wide range of diseases and conditions. So, who are the ideal candidates for Tilt Table Therapy?

Patients with Neurological Disorders
Individuals with neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease can benefit significantly from Tilt Table Therapy. This therapy has the potential to increase muscle tone, improve balance and coordination, and treat orthostatic tolerance problems such as dizziness or fainting.

People who remain immobile for a long time
For people who require long periods of bed rest after surgery or have been immobile for long periods of time, Tilt Table Therapy has positive effects on muscle weakness and vascular health. It is a very useful tool in gaining the habit of gradually putting weight on the body and staying in a vertical position.

Those with Orthopedic Disorders
Tilt Table therapy can be used as an important part of orthopedic rehabilitation in fracture, dislocation and post-operative processes. This will help restore joint range of motion and muscle strength, and will also help prevent complications due to changing body position.

Those with Cardiovascular Diseases
Tilt Table Therapy is one of the circulation-improving treatment options for those with cardiovascular system diseases. Patients experiencing circulatory problems such as hypotension can aim to control blood pressure and ensure better functioning of the vessels by slowly taking them to an upright position with an inclination table.

Unique Advantages of Inclination Table
While applying Tilt Table Therapy at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we take care to keep the comfort and safety of our patients at the highest level. The tilt table is especially useful for patients who are immobile and bedridden for a certain period of time, because this therapy; It helps prevent muscle atrophy, improve circulation, reduce orthostatic hypotension, and increase endurance overall.

Tilt Table therapy can also be considered a supportive treatment and is often part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program. When planning treatment, we adopt an approach based on individual evaluation of each patient and personal rehabilitation goals. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we work to provide the best service to our patients with our modern Tilt Table devices and expert therapists.

Tilt Table therapy, which you will prefer in physical therapy and rehabilitation processes, is among the first-class treatment methods and brings a ray of hope to our patients. Choose Robotic Rehabilitation Center to take steps with us on your health journey and discover the benefits of Tilt Table Therapy.

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