Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Whirlpool Therapy in Physical Therapy

Whirlpool Therapy in Physical Therapy
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Whirlpool Therapy in Physical Therapy

The Power of Healing with Water: What is Hydrotherapy?
In today's conditions, thanks to rapidly advancing technology and innovative treatment methods, healing processes are becoming much more effective than before. Hydrotherapy, one of the modern physical therapy methods, enables patients to go through the rehabilitation process more quickly and effectively, especially by using the healing powers of water. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are proud to contribute to the healing processes of our valued clients with the hydrotherapy (whirlpool therapy) services we offer using the healing effect of water.

What is Whirlpool Therapy?
Whirlpool therapy takes its name from the English word 'whirlpool', which means 'swirling current' in Turkish. It is a form of treatment performed with rotating currents created in water. The rapid currents provided by the jets placed in the water create a massage effect, allowing the muscles to relax, blood circulation to accelerate and the edema accumulated in the body to be removed. The treatment is carried out with specially designed whirlpool devices in hot or warm water pools. By creating this current in the water, a complete water massage experience is provided, making it possible to overcome many musculoskeletal disorders.

Benefits of Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy; It is an effective method to accelerate recovery in the post-operative period and in the rehabilitation of sports injuries, especially musculoskeletal disorders. Thanks to the hydrostatic pressure it creates in the body, it revitalizes the circulatory system and has a natural pain-relieving effect. With the principle of buoyancy in water, patients have the advantage of dropping some of their body weight into the water, feeling less pain and performing exercises more comfortably. Additionally, the warmth of the water has muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties. The stress-reducing effect of Whirlpool therapy and the removal of body swelling and consistency-related stiffness are also extremely important.

Hydrotherapy Application at Robotic Rehabilitation Center
If you want to benefit from this deep and effective treatment method of healing with water, you can safely choose the Robotic Rehabilitation Center and get a quick and effective start to your recovery process by meeting our expert team. Hydrotherapy: the most comfortable way to regain your health by surrendering yourself to the embracing and healing power of water...

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