Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Tilt Table?

What is Tilt Table?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Tilt Table?

Tilt table is a treatment table that you can see in every hospital or physiotherapy clinic, especially used in neurological patients. The muscles in our body maintain muscle mass and strength with gravity. However, the muscles of people who have to lie down for a long time due to injury, disability, surgery or intensive care begin to waste rapidly because they cannot be exposed to gravity. Patients who do not have the ability or strength to stand up with a tilt table are lifted to a certain degree, allowing the muscles to be exposed to gravity and maintaining their volume.

Tilt Table and orthostatic hypotension:

Some individuals may develop a condition called orthostatic hypotension due to lying down for a long time. When a person suddenly stands up or moves to a sitting position, blood pressure may drop suddenly, causing blackouts, nausea and/or fainting.

What is the Tilt Table test?

Tilt table can be used for treatment purposes as well as for testing purposes. A tilt table test is performed to determine the cause of frequent and unknown fainting and it is tried to determine whether the cause of fainting is cardiological or neurological.

What are the benefits of using Tilt Table?

Loss of volume and strength in the muscles may occur due to lying down for a long time or not being able to stand up for various reasons. The muscles in the human body adapt to daily life by maintaining their current volume and strength with gravity. However, when a person cannot be exposed to gravity (cannot stand up) for various reasons, the muscles begin to rapidly lose volume and strength. For this reason, patients are tied to a table (tilt table) and made to stand up slowly and gradually and are asked to feel gravity.

Is there any pain when using the tilt table?

Tilt table is generally a painless application. People are not expected to feel pain or ache. However, some patients may experience minimal pain due to fear or wounds.

What should be taken into consideration when using Tilt Table?

Irregularities in blood pressure may occur due to prolonged lying or inactivity. When a person sits or stands up suddenly, blood pressure may drop suddenly and cause the person to faint.

Therefore, when using a tilt table, the person's inclination should be increased slowly and at gradual angles, and as the tilt increases, the person should be asked whether there are symptoms such as dizziness, darkening in the eyes, and nausea. He/she should be expected to get used to each degree slowly.

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