Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Tetraplegia and Why Does It Happen?

  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Tetraplegia and Why Does It Happen?

Tetraplegia is the name given to a paralysis condition that affects both arms and legs and is usually caused by spinal cord injuries. At our Robotic Rehabilitation Center, experts work to understand the factors that cause Tetraplegia and to provide the most effective rehabilitation methods to individuals affected by this condition. So, what is Tetraplegia and why does it happen? We will discuss the answers to these questions in detail, emphasizing the role of physical therapy and rehabilitation in managing this complex condition.

Tetraplegia causes complete or partial loss of mobility of the arms and legs due to the high level of spinal cord damage and affecting a large area. The spinal cord is a vital structure that runs through the spine and connects the brain with the nervous system in the body. Any damage to the spinal cord can lead to motor and sensory function losses and sometimes autonomic nervous system problems. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are proud to incorporate the latest technology and scientific research in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord injuries in order to offer the highest quality treatment methods to our patients.

Injuries that cause tetraplegia usually occur as a result of sudden trauma such as severe accidents, falls, sports injuries or drowning in water. Diseases of the spinal cord, tumors, or degenerative conditions such as arthritis can also cause Tetraplegia. This type of damage causes nerve transmissions to be interrupted, disrupting communication between the brain and the rest of the body. As a result, control of any body part below the damaged area becomes difficult or completely impossible. At our Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we help our patients overcome this challenging process by preparing personalized treatment plans according to their specific needs.

The treatment process varies depending on the location and degree of damage and usually requires a multidisciplinary approach. Physical therapy in the treatment of tetraplegia is critical to maximize patients' current functions, prevent complications and improve quality of life. At our Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we offer a variety of treatment options, from manual therapies to exercise programs to correct movement disorders. In addition, device and technology-supported applications aiming to regain functional mobility are also included in our treatment protocols.

There is constant adaptation and personalization throughout the rehabilitation process, taking into account the changing needs of patients throughout their treatment. Therefore, special treatment and care programs for our patients are carefully prepared, taking into account the severity of the injury and the physical condition of the patient. Additional challenges that patients with tetraplegia may face may include difficulty breathing, pressure sores, and nerve pain; For this reason, as Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we adopt a multidisciplinary approach and work in collaboration with physiotherapists, physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Psychological support is also of great importance in terms of maintaining patients' motivation during the recovery process and helping them adapt to the changes in their lives. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we offer a comprehensive rehabilitation service, including psychological and social support, so that our patients and their families can cope with the difficulties they face. Within this range of services, we provide the necessary assistance for our patients to achieve social integration and independent living.

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