Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is TENS Therapy and What Does It Do?

What is TENS Therapy and What Does It Do?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is TENS Therapy and What Does It Do?

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy, a revolutionary method in pain management, is an important part of physical therapy and rehabilitation. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we offer modern and effective treatment methods to our patients. TENS therapy plays a major role in reducing chronic pain as well as accelerating rehabilitation processes.

TENS devices prevent pain signals from reaching the brain by stimulating nerve fibers through electrodes placed on the skin surface. This stimulation also activates the body's natural pain-relieving system. These natural painkillers, known as endorphins, play a key role in reducing pain and enable patients to have a more comfortable recovery process.

Additionally, TENS Therapy can increase the pain threshold through its effect on the receptors. TENS devices, which interfere with pain transmission pathways at the spinal cord level, work according to the 'gate control theory' and partially block painful stimuli from reaching the brain. In this way, patients feel the pain less intensely and can perform their daily activities more comfortably.

The application of TENS therapy is personalized, and the frequency and intensity of the device are adjusted by the physical therapist according to the patient's pain condition and response to treatment. TENS devices are portable, meaning patients can easily perform the therapy at home or at work. Additionally, these devices are non-invasive and can be an alternative to medication, so patients can achieve pain control without suffering side effects.

TENS therapy, which we offer as Robotic Rehabilitation Center, is preferred in many chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, lumbar and neck hernias, and pain caused by nerve damage, as well as musculoskeletal system disorders. By preparing a customized treatment program for our patients, we minimize their pain and increase their quality of life.

By obtaining TENS devices from the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, you can make an investment in your health at the highest standards. Because we know the importance of offering each of our patients treatment solutions tailored to their personal needs, using the most advanced technology. The feedback of our patients who have undergone treatment proves the effectiveness of TENS therapy and the success of our professional practice. TENS therapy is one of the reliable ways to step into a pain-free and healthy life. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are always here to provide you with professional support for a successful TENS therapy.

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