Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Space Therapy?

What is Space Therapy?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Space Therapy?

Our balance and sensory systems in our body determine and understand our place and position in space-time. Our inner ear systems, eyes, brain and all our muscles take part in these balance systems. And the slightest disruption, damage or problems in these systems can lead to a complete disruption of our balance.

What is this Space Therapy?

Space therapy is a neurological therapy system that is widely used in many centers today. It is frequently used especially in pediatric and neurological patients.

It offers safe walking and exercise options to patients who are afraid, do not feel safe or cannot maintain their balance due to impaired balance.

With ropes, ropes and nets, the patient can walk safely and without fear, and it is also very useful for patients with reduced muscle strength.

So how to use the Space Therapy System?

The patient is securely tied to a special outfit with ropes, ropes or nets and made to do exercises. Thanks to exercises, impaired or lost proprioceptive sense is regained and improved.

What are the benefits of Space Therapy?

• First of all, it is safe, it prevents the patient from falling and reduces fear.

• Provides increase in muscle strength.

• Improves and corrects balance and coordination.

• Increases degrees of range of motion.

• Provides flexibility.

• The load is delivered regularly and safely.

• Improvement in sensory input is achieved.

• Proprioceptive sense is regulated.

• Provides gain and increase in self-confidence.

• Corrects gait and posture.

• More work is accomplished with less energy.

• The patient's pain decreases.

• Hardness is reduced.

• It contributes greatly to self-development by causing the patient to see the progress and be more willing to receive treatment.

To whom can Space Therapy be applied?

It can be applied to all age groups. But its use is especially common in the pediatric and neurological fields.

In which areas and in the treatment of which diseases can Space Therapy be used?

It is used in many fields and diseases, especially in Pediatrics and Neurology;

• Cerebral palsy

• Cerebro Vascular Event

• Stroke

• Paralysis

• Nervous system diseases

• Sports Injuries

• Post-operative

• Diseases related to the balance system

• Post fracture

• Spina Bifida

• Down Syndrome etc.

Are there any side effects or drawbacks of Space Therapy treatment?

No its not. Space therapy is not a treatment method with medication or injection. Also, currents are not used. For this reason, it is a very useful therapy method for patients with movement phobia as it offers a safe area and exercise.

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