Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Rotator Cuff Syndrome?

What is Rotator Cuff Syndrome?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Rotator Cuff Syndrome?

What is Rotator Cuff, or commonly known as Rotator Cuff Syndrome, one of the frequently encountered cases?

It is a medical condition in which shoulder pain or decreased shoulder movements occur due to damage or tear in the rotator cuff muscle tendons. A complete tear may occur, or a partial tear may occur.

Although it is often seen in older people, there is a wide age range. It is manifested by weakness in the arm, pain when lifting up, and limitation of shoulder movements.

What are the treatments for Rotator Cuff Syndrome? Is surgery always required?

The first treatment, as always, is rest. While positive results can be obtained with physical therapy; Surgery may be required depending on age, patient and case. Of course, it is necessary to receive Physical Therapy after surgery.

Why does it happen? What are the risk factors?

In fact, it has more than one cause and way of occurrence. It may occur due to repeated use or may occur with sudden movements.

Here are some of the reasons

Overuse due to repetitive and intense movements

Traumas such as falls, collisions, accidents


History of frequent shoulder dislocations


What are the symptoms for Rotator Cuff Syndrome?

Although it generally starts to make itself felt with shoulder pain, different symptoms may occur;

Pain radiating to shoulder and arm

Crepitations that begin to be heard in the joint

Decrease or complete limitation of movements

Significant pain when moving the hand above the head

Weakness in the arm

Difficulty and pain when moving the arm backwards

Insomnia due to pain

How is Rotator Cuff diagnosed?

Diagnosis can be made through physical examination and patient history, as well as imaging methods such as X-ray and MRI.

Rotator Cuff and Its Treatment?

Although surgery is recommended after complete tears, Physical Therapy is generally recommended for partial tears. The healing process can be supported with medications and some injection methods.

Making ergonomic arrangements at home and in your life

Finding the right position for your sleep

Paying attention to your nutrition

Depending on whether the disease is acute or chronic, getting help from cold or hot agents

Benefiting from physical therapy using methods such as manual therapy and electrotherapy agents

It can reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.

Exercises, stretching or light sports

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