Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Paraplegia?

What is Paraplegia?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Paraplegia?

What is Paraplegia, one of the frequently encountered cases?

Paraplegia, a spinal cord paralysis, is simply the paralysis of the lower half of the body due to a problem arising from the spinal cord. Instead of the entire body, the trunk, legs and pelvic organs are affected. Depending on the level, degree and location of damage, both motor and sensory nerves may lose function.

Paraplegia is a condition that can occur due to falls, impacts, fractures, cuts, injuries and accidents, as well as internal factors such as tumors and damage during surgery. It will completely affect the patient's life, daily life and psychology.

Do patients with paraplegia need surgery?

The cause of paraplegia is important in these patients. In cases of trauma-related damage to the spine, the spine must first be stabilized.

What causes paraplegia? What are the risk factors?

Here are some of the reasons:

• Fall

• Traffic accident

• Impact

• Cutting tool injuries

• Gun injuries

• Violence

• Sports accidents

• Spine tumors

• Surgery errors

• Scoliosis

• Febrile diseases

• Brucella

• MS

• Transverse myelitis

• Head injuries

• Some infections...

What are the symptoms for paraplegia? It manifests itself with many symptoms;

• Loss of sensation in the lower half

• Loss of movement

• Urinary incontinence

• Muscle atrophy

• Paralysis in the lower half

• Bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction

• Decrease or absence of reflexes...

How is paraplegia diagnosed?

The priority is physical examination, a detailed neurological examination is required. Nerve, muscle and reflex evaluation is performed. Early intervention and treatment initiation is very important. At the same time, imaging methods such as MRI and CT can also be used.

Paraplegia and its Treatment:

Paraplegia treatment requires long and detailed treatment. First of all, surgical interventions must be completed. Afterwards, the physical therapy process begins for the symptoms observed. In order to prevent the rapid increase in the patient's muscle mass, frequent joint mobility exercises must be continued. Help should be taken from electrotherapy for muscle strengthening exercises, nerve stimulation, pain, etc. It should not be forgotten that the patient's upper body should also be strengthened so that he can use assistive devices.

While the use of devices and orthoses is taught, the person is expected to participate in the process mentally, with help from robotic devices, biofeedback and virtual reality devices. At the same time, it is necessary to solve sleep problems, manage pain, regulate eating habits and support patients mentally.

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