Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Osteopathy?

What is Osteopathy?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a field we have heard about frequently lately. So what is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy, in short, is the branch that examines the relationships of systems, organs and tissues in the human body with each other and with all systems, and examines the disorders in these systems, organs and tissues in a holistic and manual way.

In osteopathy, not only the area where the problem is located, but all roots are addressed together and holistically. The patient's entire history, medical history, genetics and environmental conditions are important in the examination. The slightest problem occurring in one of these holistic systems disrupts the operation and structure of the other systems.

How often should osteopathy be performed?

The duration and frequency of osteopathy sessions are specific to each patient. Every patient and disease is unique. For this reason, the programs to be drawn should be drawn specifically for each person.

How are osteopathy practices performed?

Osteopathy is the practice of creating miracles with the hands of osteopaths who specialize in their field. By using special massage and manual therapy techniques, it aims to eliminate people's limitations, stiffness, circulation problems, tension, shortness and many other problems. When practicing osteopathy, the body is examined as a whole, without focusing on a single area.

In which areas and in which diseases can osteopathy treatments be used?

Although it is frequently used in orthopedic diseases, it is used in many areas in the treatment of many disorders and diseases in the body.

Some areas where it can be used:

• Elimination of gait disorders

• Treatment of sleep disorders

• Backache

• Alleviating movement restrictions

• Balance problems

• Disc slips

• Neck pain

• Chronic and persistent pain

• Stroke, paralysis

• Post-traumatic pain and disorders

• MS

• Digestive system problems

• Problems in the respiratory system

• Swallowing problems

• Migraine

• Urinary incontinence

• Posture disorders

• Fascial adhesions

• Sports injuries

• Fibromyalgia

• Neuralgia

• Rheumatoid arthritis

• Muscle and bone diseases

• Various painful conditions...

So, are there any side effects or drawbacks of osteopathy treatment?

No. Osteopathy practices are very reliable. As long as it is applied by a specialist, there is no harm or risk that osteopathy can cause you. Pain or tenderness may occur in very sensitive people, but it is very rare.

Osteopathy practices are performed by expert osteopaths only with hands and without tools. The source of your back pain may not only be in your waist area, or the cause of your shoulder pain may be due to a reason you did not know. Your body is a whole, you need to take care of it as a whole.

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