Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is kinesiotaping?

What is kinesiotaping?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is kinesiotaping?

Did you know that the colorful bands you often see on the bodies of athletes in sports competitions can be very good for your pain?

It is a type of tape that can stretch, unlike normal tapes. These tapes, which also allow sweating and the skin to breathe, are now frequently used.

Unlike standard tape, these tapes do not restrict joints and movement and allow elasticity; It has many positive effects such as tissue healing, tissue and muscle protection, and reducing pain and edema.

What kind of effect does it provide?

With its effect on circulation and nerves, it increases circulation and provides healing in the area.

How is kinesiotape applied?

Physicians and physiotherapists should perform kinesiotaping. Since they know the mechanism of action, anatomy and physiological effects of the tape, they will determine the most appropriate treatment. The tape must be adhered to your skin depending on the desired effect. It is adhered to dry and clean skin. It can be used for a few days and showered with the tape. After a while, the tape adapts to your skin and you no longer feel its presence.

In which areas and in which diseases can kinesiotaping treatments be used?

These techniques frequently used by physiotherapists are; They are frequently used in the treatment of Orthopedic, Neurological, Rheumatological, Pediatric and Sports diseases.

Some diseases or disorders for which it can be used:

• General hernias such as waist and neck

• Painful conditions

• Muscle weaknesses

• Various painful conditions

• Radiculopathy

• Neuropathies

• In cases of calcification

• Rheumatoid arthritis

• Hallux valgus

• CP

• Brachial plexus

• In scoliosis patients

• Torticollis

• Tendon and muscle compressions

• Muscle tears and ruptures

• Meniscus injuries

• ACL injury

• Muscle injuries

• Edematous conditions

• Various sports injuries

• Lymphedema conditions

• Some neurological diseases

• Spasticities

• Tendonitis

• Golfer - Tennis elbow

• Paralysis

• Stroke

• Heel spur

• Myofascial pain syndrome

• Spasms

• Soft tissue damage

• Posture problems

• Sprains

• For protection purposes etc...

So, are there any side effects of kinesiotaping treatment?

• Drowsiness

• Increased blistering or edema

• Itching on the skin

• Burning on the skin

• Rashes

• Headache

• Skin irritation may occur.

Some people's skin may have an allergic reaction to the adhesive in these tapes. In case of itching, redness or irritation, the tape must be removed.

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