Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Incontinence Rehabilitation?

What is Incontinence Rehabilitation?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Incontinence Rehabilitation?

Introduction to Incontinence Rehabilitation: The Basics
Incontinence is a health problem that affects both men and women and can seriously affect a person's social, psychological and physical health. Stress incontinence, which is common in women, and postoperative incontinence, which is usually seen after prostate surgery in men, are among the most common types. Today, management and treatment of incontinence is possible with physical therapy and rehabilitation methods. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we aim to provide you with basic information about incontinence rehabilitation and information about products and therapies that will help you improve your quality of life and cope with this problem.

Types and Causes of Incontinence
Incontinence can also be defined as the problem of urinary incontinence and there are several different types. Stress incontinence is characterized by leakage of urine as a result of straining (such as sneezing, coughing, laughing or lifting heavy objects). Urgent urge incontinence is known as the sudden, uncontrollable need to urinate. Mixed incontinence involves a combination of both stress and urge symptoms. Functional incontinence occurs when a person is unable to reach the toilet in a timely manner due to physical or communication limitations. Causes of incontinence include aging, childbirth, decreased estrogen after menopause, obesity, prostate and urogenital surgeries, and nervous system disorders.

Rehabilitation Methods
Physical therapy and rehabilitation methods used in the treatment of incontinence focus on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, increasing the ability to control urinary retention and voiding processes, and regulating life habits. Pelvic floor exercises (also known as Kegel exercises), biofeedback, electrical stimulation and behavioral therapies are the most commonly used treatment methods. The rehabilitation process may also include dietary adjustments, fluid consumption control and constipation prevention.

Product and Support Services
Within the scope of incontinence rehabilitation that we offer as Robotic Rehabilitation Center, there are treatment plans and modern rehabilitation products designed specifically for the patient. We aim to provide you with quality and reliable service with pelvic floor exercise devices, incontinence pads and various supporting products. We not only sell products but also provide patient education and counseling. Together, we discover solutions that suit each individual's lifestyle and needs, and we are with you throughout the process.

Expert Staff and Professional Approach
Robotic Rehabilitation Center works with expert physiotherapists and health professionals. We are proud to offer the most up-to-date and scientific methods in incontinence rehabilitation to our patients. Customized treatment plans for each patient are tailored to the patient's condition, habits and goals. In this way, we aim to provide the most appropriate treatment and care for each individual.

Achieve Success
It is possible to manage incontinence and be successful in the rehabilitation process. At Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are confident in providing the support and guidance you need to deal with the problem. It is our top priority for our patients to feel safe and comfortable during the treatment process. Contact us today to improve your own quality of life and cope with incontinence, invest in your health and take back control.

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