Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Frozen Shoulder? What are the symptoms?

What is Frozen Shoulder? What are the symptoms?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Frozen Shoulder? What are the symptoms?

Definition and Causes

Frozen shoulder, a painful and disturbing disease that severely limits the mobility of the shoulder joint, is known as 'Adhesive Capsulitis' in the medical literature. At some point in your life, you may have felt that your shoulder became stiff and limited your movements; This condition is usually a sign of frozen shoulder.

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, your shoulder health is important to us. Frozen shoulder occurs as a result of inflammation and subsequent hardening of the capsular tissue surrounding your shoulder joint. It is usually seen in individuals between the ages of 40 and 60 and more often in women. Especially individuals who have to remain immobile on their shoulders for a long time and diabetic patients are more prone to this problem.


The classic symptoms of frozen shoulder are pain and limitation of movement. The development process of the disease proceeds in three stages:

1. Freezing Phase (Painful Phase): In this phase, shoulder movements cause pain and it may become difficult to lift your shoulder or rotate it backwards. Night pains are a common symptom. This period can usually last between 2 and 9 months.

2. Dullness Phase (Adhesive Phase): There may be a significant decrease in pain, but shoulder stiffness increases and use becomes more difficult. This period can last between 4 and 12 months.

3. Dissolution Phase: The mobility of the shoulder is gradually regained. It may take 5 to 24 months for full recovery.


Treatment of frozen shoulder is aimed at relieving pain and stiffness and improving shoulder movements as quickly as possible. Treatment methods offered at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center include:

- Medical Treatment: Medications such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and corticosteroid injections can be used to control inflammation and pain.

- Physical Therapy: A personal rehabilitation program is customized to help patients with frozen shoulder symptoms regain flexibility and strength. Manual therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises are the most preferred treatment methods.

- Heat and Ice Therapies: Heat and ice applications are used to relieve pain and inflammation.

- Surgical Treatments: Rarely necessary, but if the condition does not improve, arthroscopy or manipulation may be among the surgical options.

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we create individual treatment plans in frozen shoulder treatment in order to improve the individual's quality of life as soon as possible and enable the individual to return to daily activities. Our priority is to restore pain-free and comfortable shoulder mobility. By contacting us, you can get information about the most suitable treatment plan for you and take the first step in combating frozen shoulder symptoms.

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