Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Dry Needling Treatment?

What is Dry Needling Treatment?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Dry Needling Treatment?

Nowadays, many people's complaints of muscle pain are increasing due to long working hours, decreasing active life with the development of technology, irregular nutrition and sedentary life. Muscle spasms, muscle tension, muscle pain and many problems negatively affect daily life.

Dry needling is a treatment method that has become very popular in recent years and provides muscle stimulation with thin needles into the muscle. It is used to relieve muscle stiffness, tension and spasms. At the same time, it accelerates and positively affects the healing process by providing micro injuries.

How is dry needling done?

Although dry needling seems like a simple procedure, it should be performed by a specialist healthcare professional. Since needles are inserted into the muscle, they may cause irreversible damage to the patient.

Dry needles can be used in different sizes depending on body area, muscle and fat thickness. Fine needles are carefully inserted into the painful, tense or spasming muscle and allowed to remain in the skin for a while. Over time, a decrease in spasm will be seen.

Sessions vary depending on the patient and the disease, and should generally last 15-30 minutes, as needed.

Is pain felt during dry needling?

Since it is a needle procedure, people are expected to feel pain, but usually very little pain is felt. Although a slight pain may be felt due to the patient's tension or fear, it is expected that the pain will decrease at the end of the session.

In which areas and in which diseases can dry needling treatments be used?

Although it is frequently used in muscle diseases, it is used in many areas and diseases.

Some areas where it can be used:

• Spasm conditions: Muscle spasms, tensions

• Chronic pain

• Waist, neck and back pains

• It is frequently preferred in myofascial pain syndrome

• Tendonitis

• Inflammatory conditions such as tennis / golfer elbow

• Various sports injuries

• Spine pain

• Fibromyalgia

• Osteoarthritis

• Rheumatoid arthritis

• Headache

• Migraine

• Various painful conditions…

So, are there any side effects or drawbacks of dry needling treatment?

• Since it is a needle procedure, there may be a risk of infection.

• Minimal pain is expected

• Bleeding can be expected

• Extreme caution should be exercised as it may cause serious side effects in vital organs such as the lungs.

What should be taken into consideration?

Since it is a needle procedure, sterilization and hygiene are very important. Care should be taken to have it done by someone who knows his job. It is also not recommended for those with needle phobia.

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