Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Cerebral Palsy?

What is Cerebral Palsy?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Cerebral Palsy?


Cerebral palsy is a disease that develops due to damage to the brain and muscles. Brain damage occurring in the fetal or neonatal period mainly affects muscle tone, movement and motor skills. Sensory and perceptual problems, cognitive disorders, communication and behavioral problems, epilepsy and musculoskeletal system problems can also be observed in this disease. The brain, cerebellum, and brainstem are among the areas affected by cerebral palsy.

It is known that in every 1000 live births in Turkey, 4-5 children are born with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Factors that cause cerebral palsy include psychological and physical traumas experienced by the expectant mother during pregnancy, some infections, epilepsy, premature birth or low birth weight, multiple pregnancy and hypoxia during birth (one of the most common causes). Diagnosis is usually made by methods such as cranial MRI and EEG.

There are four types of cerebral palsy based on motor impairment: spastic (most common), dyskinetic, ataxic and mixed. Treatment methods include surgical and non-surgical options. Surgical treatments are generally applied over the age of 6-8 and the aim is to relax shortened muscles, open restricted joints and prevent or treat contractures. Non-surgical treatments include many options such as exercise, electrotherapy, botulinum toxin injection, orthotics, occupational therapy, robotic rehabilitation, virtual reality therapy, and medical treatments.

Correct and timely diagnosis and treatment positively affects the mobilization, quality of life and prevention of complications of patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Therefore, it is of great importance to make a correct diagnosis and start treatment at an early stage.

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