Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Bursitis?

What is Bursitis?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Bursitis?

What is Bursitis? Definition, Causes and Symptoms
Bursitis is the inflammation of small fluid-filled sacs (bursa) in the moving parts of our body, especially in the joints. This disorder, which anyone can experience, often affects areas that are in constant motion, such as the knee, shoulder, hip and elbow. Bursitis may occur when the bursae are exposed to repetitive pressure and impacts, or as a result of an injury.
Robotic Rehabilitation Center offers modern treatment methods to people struggling with Bursitis and whose quality of daily life is affected by this disorder. This disorder can be managed with various physical therapy programs and personalized rehabilitation approaches.
Causes of Bursitis
There may be many reasons why bursitis occurs. The main reasons are overuse and injuries. Continuous repetition of the same movements or direct trauma may cause inflammation of the bursae. As we age, bursae can wear out and become more sensitive over time, which increases the risk of inflammation. Some systemic conditions such as metabolic diseases, infections and repetitive movements specific to certain occupational groups are other factors that increase the risk of bursitis.
Symptoms of Bursitis
Bursitis symptoms vary depending on the location of the inflamed bursa. However, the most common symptoms include pain, tenderness, swelling, redness or increased temperature in the affected area. This pain is especially aggravated by pressure or movements applied to the area where the bursa is located. Limitation of movement and loss of strength in the affected area are other common symptoms of bursitis.
Treatment of Bursitis: Robotic Rehabilitation Center Approach
Robotic Rehabilitation Center plays a leading role in the treatment of bursitis. Our expert physiotherapists create a personalized treatment plan for each patient by making a detailed analysis of personal needs and lifestyle. The treatment process generally includes cold compress applications to reduce pain and inflammation, advanced manual therapies, and exercise programs to optimize movements affecting the bursa. Advanced technological applications such as ultrasound therapy, dry needling and electrotherapy are also used to accelerate the healing process and control pain.
Bursitis and Lifestyle Management
Reducing the risk of bursitis recurrence requires a number of lifestyle changes. Robotic Rehabilitation Center also supports its patients in this regard, teaching correct posture techniques, correct load distribution methods in daily activities and exercise routines. Regular strengthening and flexibility exercises may have a protective effect for people with recurring bursitis. Additionally, weight management and eating habits are an important part of the recovery process.

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