Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What is Adhesive Capsulitis and What are its Symptoms?

  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What is Adhesive Capsulitis and What are its Symptoms?

Frozen Shoulder: Definition, Symptoms and Treatment
Frozen Shoulder, or more commonly known as frozen shoulder, is a disease that causes pain and limitation of movement in the shoulder joint and reduces the quality of life of many people. This health problem is characterized by inflammation, thickening and narrowing of the connective tissue called the capsule located in the shoulder. So, what do you need to know about the frozen shoulder treatment we offer as Robotic Rehabilitation Center? In this article, we will provide comprehensive information about this silent pain, from its definition to its symptoms, from treatment methods to recovery processes.

The formation process of frozen shoulder usually begins with pain and continues with a decrease in the mobility of the shoulder over time. This condition, which is more common in women between the ages of 40 and 60, can also affect men, although rarely. The factors that cause Frozen Shoulder are various. Strains resulting from trauma, long-term immobility or different health problems (such as diabetes) may trigger this condition. Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center, which specializes in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, can help you overcome this problem by preparing personalized treatment programs.

What are the symptoms of frozen shoulder?
Frozen Shoulder symptoms usually occur in a distinct and increasing pattern over time. Pain and limitation of movement are the most common indicators. The pain is usually concentrated on the outside of the shoulder and may become more severe at night. Movement limitations make it difficult for the individual to perform daily activities and greatly reduce the quality of life. This condition, which has various stages, gives positive results when treated on time and correctly. You can overcome the limitations of frozen shoulder with treatments given by expert physiotherapists at our Robotic Rehabilitation Center and programs that support the musculoskeletal system.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment Methods in Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Methods used in the treatment of frozen shoulder may include physiotherapy, exercise therapies, manual therapy, cold/heat applications and medication use when necessary. In our Robotic Rehabilitation Center, the most up-to-date and effective methods are applied with a treatment plan specifically designed for your individual situation. Treatment usually begins with pain control and continues with exercises to increase the mobility of the shoulder. Thanks to treatment protocols customized for each patient, you can easily overcome this difficult process.

The Importance of Physical Therapy in Frozen Shoulder Treatment
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation plays a vital role in treating frozen shoulder. Regular physical therapy sessions increase the flexibility of the shoulder capsule, contributing to widening the range of motion and reducing pain. Experienced physiotherapists at our Robotic Rehabilitation Center offer the necessary support and guidance to get rid of the problems caused by frozen shoulder with the exercise programs they have specially prepared for you. In the hands of our experts, you can step into a process where you can improve your quality of life and continue your daily activities comfortably.

What is Frozen Shoulder and Its Symptoms?
Frozen Shoulder, more commonly known as frozen shoulder, is a health condition characterized by slow stiffening of the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues and restriction of movements. This disorder occurs as a result of inflammation and tightening of the connective tissue called the synovial capsule of the shoulder. This condition often causes pain and a significant limitation in mobility. So, what are the symptoms of this common but often poorly understood condition and how is it addressed during the physical therapy process? As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we will provide you with detailed information on this subject and tell you how we can support you in your treatment process.

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms and Stages
Frozen Shoulder generally progresses in four stages:
Painful Phase (Freezing Phase): In this phase, pain begins in the shoulder that increases with movement and mobility begins to decrease.
Frozen Phase: While the pain is felt more during rest, the mobility of the shoulder decreases further.
Dissolution Phase: In this phase, a decrease in pain is observed, but the limitation of movement in the shoulder continues.
Recovery Phase: The mobility of the shoulder gradually returns.

These stages may vary from person to person and depending on their response to treatment. Symptoms typically present as sharp or aching pain in the shoulder during certain movements (for example, touching a point on the back, reaching over the head). Restriction in mobility occurs especially noticeably in the mornings.

Diagnosis and Treatment Processes
The diagnosis of Frozen Shoulder is usually made by listening to the patient's medical history, physical examination and, if necessary, imaging tests (MRI, ultrasound). Once the diagnosis is made, the treatment process can begin. Treatment usually consists of a variety of methods, including medication to relieve pain and inflammation, regular physical therapy and exercises to increase the mobility of the shoulder, and steroid injections or surgery if needed.

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we adopt a multifaceted approach in the treatment of Frozen Shoulder. We aim to improve our patients' quality of life and restore their mobility with special treatment programs developed by our professional physiotherapists. With our patient-centered approach, we offer tailored solutions to each individual's needs by preparing personalized treatment plans.

Physical Therapy and Exercise Programs
The most critical part of the treatment process is regular physical therapy exercises. These exercises are designed to keep the shoulder mobile and increase the joint's range of motion. Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center provides you with the support you need to manage this process in the most effective way by offering you exercises and methods accompanied by expert physiotherapists. Warm-up, stretching and strengthening exercises are excellent exercises for stretching the shoulder capsule and are an important component in the treatment process.

Surgical Intervention and Aftermath
Even in more severe cases where surgery is necessary, post-operative physical therapy plays a vital role in the recovery process. At our Robotic Rehabilitation Center, our expert staff will support your rehabilitation process in the post-operative period and will not leave you alone at every stage of your treatment. The work done to regain shoulder mobility is carefully planned to ensure that our patients can return to their daily lives in a short time.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment at our Robotic Rehabilitation Center
When dealing with a complex and frustrating condition like Frozen Shoulder, the support of a specialist physical therapy center is essential. Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center in Istanbul provides you with all the support you need to overcome this process with special treatment methods and first-class service quality. If you feel a limitation in your shoulder movements or are an individual diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder, contact our center as soon as possible for your treatment and take the first step. Remember, with the right treatment and training programs, frozen shoulder is no longer an unsolvable problem.

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