Robotic Rehabilitation Center

What does electroacupuncture do?

What does electroacupuncture do?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

What does electroacupuncture do?

Today, the popularity of alternative medicine practices is rapidly increasing, and electroacupuncture stands out among these practices. Electroacupuncture is considered a modern version of acupuncture, which is a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Although it is a relatively new treatment method, it has proven effective in treating many different health problems. Robotic Rehabilitation Center, which provides physical therapy and rehabilitation services in Istanbul, aims to contribute to the recovery process of its patients by offering this innovative method.

Fundamentals of Electroacupuncture
Electroacupuncture is a treatment method that combines traditional acupuncture techniques with electrical stimulation. Thin needles used in standard acupuncture are also used in this method; However, the aim is to regulate the energy flow in the meridians in the body with the low-level electrical current passed between the needles. Needles are placed in different parts of the body, especially at points where the flow of energy is blocked or unbalanced. Electroacupuncture therapy works, similar to acupuncture, by stimulating the body's self-healing mechanisms.

Situations Where Electroacupuncture is Used
Electroacupuncture is a form of treatment recommended for a number of health problems and conditions. These conditions generally include pain management, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal disorders and some chronic conditions. Today, electroacupuncture is used especially in the treatment of the following disorders:

1. Chronic Pain: It is an effective alternative treatment method for chronic pain conditions such as low back pain, neck pain and migraine.
2. Muscle Tension and Spasms: Muscle spasms and tension can be relaxed and relieved by electroacupuncture.
3. Arthritis: Provides support in healing inflammatory joint disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
4. Nervous System Disorders: Electroacupuncture can be applied in post-stroke rehabilitation and in the treatment of certain types of nerve damage.
5. Digestive System Disorders: It can offer relief from digestive system problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.
6. Gynecological and Urological Problems: It may have healing effects on women's health conditions and urinary tract disorders.

Benefits of Electroacupuncture
The benefits of electroacupuncture have been proven by numerous scientific studies. In addition to improving the energy balance in the body, the treatment works by increasing blood circulation and stimulating the secretion of natural painkillers such as endorphins. It also helps reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. All of these benefits serve to improve the patient's overall well-being and contribute to the natural treatment of various health problems.

Electroacupuncture Application
Electroacupuncture application at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center is performed by certified experts. Before the application, the patient's detailed health history is examined and a physical examination is performed. Treatment planning is made according to the specific situation and needs of each patient. The treatment process usually requires more than one session, with each session usually lasting between 30 and 60 minutes. Patients usually begin to feel relief immediately after treatment, and permanent improvements can be observed after treatment is completed.

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