With an elbow splint made specifically for tennis elbow, the elbow is rested and the pain is relieved.
Applying ice for 15-20 minutes relieves pain and prevents edema.
Increased pain is prevented by using TENS, a physical therapy practice.
With ESWT and Hilltherapy, tissue regeneration is achieved and pain is reduced.
By giving stretching and strengthening exercises, the progression of the disease is slowed down and conditions such as pain and edema are prevented.
By applying kinesiology taping, the area is rested and the person is made more comfortable by preventing pain.
Dry needling provides faster pain relief by applying directly into the muscle.
In case of pain that does not go away in the long term, steroid injections can be planned to reduce inflammation.
To prevent the disease, situations where the elbow and wrist are used excessively should be avoided and the arm should not be overtired.
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