Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Effective Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder that may occur due to the anatomical structure of the wrist and hand. Long-term computer use, repetitive hand movements or genetic factors may cause this condition. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we offer effective methods to improve the quality of life of individuals suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome and to cope with the pain caused by this condition. Exercise programs designed specifically for individuals are of great importance in reducing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Wrist Strengthening Exercises
Strengthening your wrists is a critical factor in relieving carpal tunnel syndrome. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, there are wrist strengthening exercises carefully prepared by our physiotherapists. These exercises include wrist bending, stretching and rotation movements. Performing exercises regularly helps reduce the pressure on the nerve below the wrist and relieves pain.

Tendon Relaxation Techniques
In carpal tunnel syndrome, excessive stretching of the tendons inside the wrist can cause serious problems. That's why our physical therapy program includes special techniques to loosen your tendons. For example, hand and finger stretches performed while leaning against a wall are designed to reduce tension on the tendons. Recommended exercises help relax the nerve and increase blood circulation to your hand.

Neural Gliding Exercises
Neural gliding exercises are performed to increase the mobility of nerve tissue and relieve pressure within the carpal tunnel. These exercises, which we have developed specifically for our patients at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, can reduce pain and numbness by allowing the nerves to move more freely. Such exercises help nerve tissue maintain its elasticity and support the healing process.

Ergonomics and Lifestyle Changes
In addition to the exercises to be performed when struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome, ergonomic adjustments and changes in lifestyle are also of great importance. The Robotic Rehabilitation Center guides our patients on how to optimize their daily activities. We aim to help our patients live a more comfortable life by providing information on issues such as correct sitting position, keyboard use and rest intervals. These methods play an important role in protecting your hand and wrist health and preventing the progression of carpal tunnel syndrome.

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we work to provide a complete recovery process for our patients with effective exercises and lifestyle changes for carpal tunnel syndrome. Your health and well-being is always a priority for us. Under the guidance of our expert physiotherapists, it is now much more possible to manage carpal tunnel syndrome and relieve your pain. If you care about your hand and wrist health and want to get professional support on this issue, you can visit the Robotic Rehabilitation Center and improve the quality of your life.

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