Robotic Rehabilitation Center

The Importance of Space Therapy in Cerebral Palsy Treatment

The Importance of Space Therapy in Cerebral Palsy Treatment
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

The Importance of Space Therapy in Cerebral Palsy Treatment

Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most common movement and posture disorders seen in childhood. Among today's advanced medical and rehabilitation methods, "Space Therapy" stands out and attracts the attention of many families. Robotic Rehabilitation Center, one of the leading physical therapy centers in Turkey, is breaking new ground in the treatment of cerebral palsy by offering special therapies in this regard.

What is Cerebral Palsy and Space Therapy?
Cerebral palsy is a condition characterized by damage to the brain, usually before, during or after birth. This condition can affect movement, muscle tone and motor skills. On the other hand, Space Therapy is an innovative physical therapy method that aims to improve the patient's physical functions, using a particularly developed mechanism.

Features of Robotic Rehabilitation Center and Space Therapy
Robotic Rehabilitation Center is an organization that successfully applies Space Therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy while providing service with its multidisciplinary approach and expert therapist staff. This treatment is designed to optimize children's motor skills and mobility, as well as improving their balance, coordination and perception abilities.

The therapy process is carried out by providing support in a safe environment, without restricting the child's freedom of movement. In this way, it becomes possible for children to make compensatory movements and learn new mobility skills.

Benefits of Space Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy

1. Improving Motor Functions: Since cerebral palsy is a condition in which the parts of the brain that control movements are damaged, improving motor functions is a basic need. Space Therapy helps reduce spasticity by expanding the child's range of motion with the help of various irons and elastic bands.

2. Balance and Coordination: Improved balance and coordination enable performing daily living activities more independently. Therapy allows children to work on these basic skills.

3. Perceptual Awareness: Perceptual awareness contributes to the child's better understanding and adaptation to his environment. Space Therapy applied at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center includes special techniques that will improve this skill.

4. Psychological Benefits: Children experience a sense of accomplishment during therapy sessions. This increases their self-confidence and contributes to their motivation.

How is Space Therapy Applied?

Robotic Rehabilitation Center applies Space Therapy with a personalized approach. During the treatment process, trained therapists follow the child's treatment plans in weekly sessions, each adapted to the previous session. Work done by prioritizing the child's safety and comfort allows them to safely experience even movements they cannot do on their own.

Space Therapy can offer life-changing results in treating cerebral palsy. At Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are committed to providing the best possible care for your child. The visible improvements and freedom provided make this therapy indispensable in the treatment of cerebral palsy.

We are here to improve your child's quality of life and provide him with a more independent life with the Space Therapy we provide at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center. Revolution in cerebral palsy treatment; Discover Space Therapy for movement, freedom and quality of life. Step into a hopeful path for your child by contacting us.

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