Robotic Rehabilitation Center

The Importance of Physical Therapy in MS

The Importance of Physical Therapy in MS
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

The Importance of Physical Therapy in MS

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease that affects the central nervous system and progresses with damage to the myelin sheath that protects the patient's nerve cells. This condition may cause electrical impulses to not be transmitted effectively, leading to problems with many motor and sensory functions. Although there are many methods used in modern medicine for the treatment of MS, the physical therapy and rehabilitation programs offered at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center are of great importance in improving the quality of life of MS patients.

Decreases in mobility, muscle weakness, coordination and imbalance problems caused by MS disease are just a few of the main intervention areas of physical therapy and rehabilitation. With personalized treatment plans carried out by our expert physiotherapists, exercise and treatment programs designed according to the individual needs of the patients are applied. These programs increase flexibility, strength and motor control so that patients can perform their daily activities more easily and independently.

Common symptoms such as spasm, fatigue and pain seen in MS patients can be significantly reduced with physical therapy techniques. Electrical stimulation, one of the innovative treatment methods used in the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, controls spasms, while the pain level of patients is reduced with the hot and cold compresses used, allowing them to live a more comfortable life. Various physical therapy methods such as manual therapy techniques, dry needling and hydrotherapy aim to alleviate the effects of the disease and improve the daily functionality of patients.

Another important part of the holistic treatment approach offered by the Robotic Rehabilitation Center for multiple sclerosis is neurological rehabilitation. Based on the concept of neuroplasticity, exercises and activities are performed to strengthen patients' existing neurological pathways. While our physiotherapists develop strategies to increase the patient's mental and physical capacity, the treatment process is supported by using various technological devices and auxiliary products. In addition, cognitive rehabilitation studies aim to protect and improve the cognitive functions of patients.

At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, the most up-to-date and proven physical therapy methods are offered to our patients in order to minimize the movement limitations caused by multiple sclerosis and maximize their level of independence. These treatment methods include water therapy performed in specially designed treatment environments such as swimming pools. Pool therapy strengthens patients' muscles, has a pain-relieving effect by reducing pressure on joints, and helps improve balance and coordination.

As the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we constantly follow innovative treatments in order to improve the quality of life of our patients, facilitate their daily routines, reduce their pain and ensure that they have a strong and flexible body that can overcome the challenges of multiple sclerosis. Contact us to get detailed information, learn more about the personalized treatment programs we will create for you, and improve your quality of life together.

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