Robotic Rehabilitation Center

The Importance of Inpatient Treatment in Post-Stroke Recovery

The Importance of Inpatient Treatment in Post-Stroke Recovery
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

The Importance of Inpatient Treatment in Post-Stroke Recovery

Paralysis; It is the loss of mobility and sensory perception on one side of the body, which occurs as a result of impaired blood flow to the brain. After this situation, which is life-threatening and requires urgent intervention, not only the patient's survival, but also his recovery and recovery is of great importance. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we want to emphasize the importance of inpatient treatment in the recovery process of stroke patients and support them with our services in this field.

Inpatient treatment; It is a comprehensive recovery process in which medical and rehabilitation needs are met under 24-hour observation by a multidisciplinary medical team. In inpatient treatment, constant cooperation of physiotherapists, nurses, neurologists, nutritionists and other health professionals is of great importance to ensure maximum recovery of the patient in a short time and to minimize the risk of permanent damage.

The Importance of Inpatient Treatment Services Offered at Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Inpatient treatment is important so that the treatment and rehabilitation required for the individual to return to his home, work and social life can be carried out more effectively and efficiently. The recovery process after stroke is much faster and more effective with treatment programs tailored to the patient's condition and needs. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, during the inpatient treatment process, patients can benefit from one-on-one therapy sessions as well as group therapies, speech and swallowing therapy, cognitive therapies and similar services.

In addition, during inpatient treatment, patients are provided with the opportunity to adapt to daily life activities, develop self-care skills, and perform physical and mental exercises. In addition, social and emotional factors such as patients receiving psychological support and keeping their motivation and morale high are also taken into consideration in our center.

Treatment Programs Based on the Individualized Approach of Inpatient Treatment
During the recovery process after stroke, each patient's situation is different and therefore requires an individualized treatment approach. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, a customized rehabilitation plan is prepared according to the individual needs of the patients. In line with this plan, it is aimed to maximize patients' functional abilities, increase their independence and improve their quality of life.

Our treatment programs are designed using state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment and treatment methods. Different treatment methods such as electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, mechanotherapy and robotic rehabilitation, as well as personal exercise programs, are applied in our center to support the patient's recovery process.

The Importance of Coordination and Teamwork in the Post-Stroke Recovery Process
The recovery process after stroke requires the coordinated work of many branches. In this process, coordination between doctors, physiotherapists, speech therapists, neuropsychologists, nurses and social workers is essential for the treatment to be holistic and systematic. As the Robotic Rehabilitation Center team, we rely on interdisciplinary coordination and team spirit to help paralyzed patients regain their health.

This coordination and harmony allows patients to recover faster, increase their compliance with treatment, and boost their morale. Constant communication and exchange of information ensures that stroke patients receive optimal support and treatment in all aspects.

The Role of Family and Caregivers in the Inpatient Treatment Process
Stroke recovery is a challenging process not only for patients, but also for family members and caregivers. Inpatient treatment alleviates the burden of patient care for these individuals and ensures that they are also supported. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, training programs are organized for families and caregivers and they are informed about the process.

In addition, training and studies carried out with the participation of the patient's relatives are of great importance in the patient's transition to the home environment and the continuity of treatment there. Through psychological support and social counseling services, families and care providers are encouraged to be involved in the recovery process and take an active role in managing this process.

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we would like to remind you once again that inpatient treatment is important in the post-stroke recovery process and that we stand by patients and their families on this difficult path. If you or one of your loved ones has suffered a stroke and are looking for a professional, individualized and coordinated inpatient treatment process, we, as Robotic Rehabilitation Center, are always happy to help.

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