Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Strengthening Exercises in Hemiplegia

Strengthening Exercises in Hemiplegia
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Strengthening Exercises in Hemiplegia

Hemiplegia is a type of paralysis that affects only one side of the body and usually occurs as a result of a stroke. This condition, which causes the person to significantly lose muscle strength, movement control and general physical capacity, can seriously limit activities of daily living. One of the most important factors in the recovery process is a comprehensive rehabilitation program supported by proper physical therapy and specially designed strengthening exercises. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, our top priority is to be with hemiplegia patients during their accelerated recovery process and to help them regain their freedom. In this article, we will talk about strengthening exercises recommended for hemiplegia and proven to accelerate healing.

Strengthening exercises target specific muscle groups, increasing muscle strength and endurance, allowing hemiplegia patients to regain functional mobility and increase their independence. Thanks to these exercises performed regularly and correctly, the capacity of stroke patients to move more stably and safely can be improved. Rehabilitative programs offered at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center include strengthening exercises customized to individuals' current physical conditions and needs.

1. Isometric Muscle Strengthening Exercises: Isometric exercises are motionless exercises in which the length of the muscle does not change, but the strength is increased thanks to the contraction of the muscle. Effective isometric exercises for the affected extremity in hemiplegia patients help regulate muscle tone and increase muscle strength. These types of exercises are extremely beneficial in the early recovery stages, when range of motion is often limited.

2. Resistance Band Exercises: Exercises performed using flexible resistance bands strengthen the muscles of the side affected by hemiplegia, while also providing a challenging exercise to the muscles by working with resistance in a balanced and controlled manner. The intensity of these exercises can be adjusted according to the elasticity of the bands and thus a personalized program can be created to suit the patient's current strength level.

During this difficult process experienced by hemiplegia patients and their families, our expert team, which is with them at every stage of the treatment, assumes a great responsibility to provide continuous support and guidance. It also provides any information and guidance necessary to comply with treatment and support the healing process.

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