Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation After Shoulder Surgery

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation After Shoulder Surgery
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation After Shoulder Surgery

Robotic Rehabilitation Center aims to help you, our valued clients, by being aware of the difficulties you may encounter after shoulder surgery. Shoulder surgery may be required for various reasons, and the full recovery process after surgery cannot be completed without a physical therapy and rehabilitation program. Because of this
As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are proud to be with you with our professional team and advanced technology equipment.

Recovery Process After Shoulder Surgery
The recovery process after shoulder surgery varies for each individual, but usually involves some fixed steps. First, the patient needs to be protected against postoperative pain control, wound care, and inflammation risks. The rest in the first weeks gives way to gradual movements over time. This is exactly where physical therapy and rehabilitation come into play.

The Importance of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we aim to keep the role of physical therapy at the highest level during the critical recovery periods after shoulder surgery. Regaining range of motion, increasing muscle strength and managing pain can only be achieved with methods that physical therapists can apply. The individual therapy programs we will offer here are determined specifically according to the patient's own needs, and these programs will ensure that your shoulder regains its former health and function as soon as possible.

Rehabilitation Program After Shoulder Surgery
Our rehabilitation program includes a range of exercises and therapies detailed to suit your specific situation. In this way, your range of motion in your shoulder is maximized, while strengthening is provided especially in the operated area. Thanks to this customized program developed by our doctors and physiotherapists, the best results are achieved in returning to your daily life and even returning to sports.

Stages of Physical Therapy
Our physical therapy program generally consists of three basic phases; acute recovery, recovery and recovery. During the acute recovery phase, pain and swelling that may occur after surgery are minimized. During the recovery phase, the aim is to improve shoulder function by working on the patient's range of motion and strength. In the recovery phase, the focus is on the strength and endurance exercises necessary for the patient to fully return to daily life activities.

Optimal Recovery with Technology and Expert Support
To experience the best and fastest recovery process after shoulder surgery
As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, our expert physiotherapists and state-of-the-art rehabilitation tools are waiting for you. Designed to support the healing of your complex shoulder structures, these special programs offer you a personalized recovery experience. Proceeding under the guidance of a professional at every step of your treatment plan will allow you to continue life healthily and safely with your new shoulder after shoulder surgery.

By presenting this article, Robotic Rehabilitation Center draws attention to the importance of physical therapy and rehabilitation after shoulder surgery, while aiming to achieve the highest patient satisfaction and health results. If you want to regain your health as a part of this healing journey, visit our online store.
You can take a look at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center and get more information about your treatment program by contacting our professional team. Take a step with us to regain your shoulder health.

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