Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Lumbar - Cervical Disc Herniations and Treatment

Lumbar - Cervical Disc Herniations and Treatment
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Lumbar - Cervical Disc Herniations and Treatment

The Importance of Physical Therapy for Lumbar and Cervical Disc Herniations
Waist and neck pain are just some of the problems brought by modern life. The underlying cause of most of these pains is disc herniation. Although this situation reduces the quality of life for many people, effective physical therapy methods applied in expert treatment centers such as Robotic Rehabilitation Center significantly increase patient satisfaction and recovery processes. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are among the primary non-surgical treatment options for effectively addressing lumbar (lower back) and cervical (neck) disc herniation. These treatment methods represent a fundamental step in helping patients relieve their pain, increase their functional abilities, and return to their normal lives.

Physical Therapy Methods Used in Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniations
Physical therapy methods for disc herniations focus on localized pain relief, reducing inflammation, strengthening and increasing flexibility. Robotic Rehabilitation Center provides one-to-one treatments for patients with cervical and lumbar disc herniation, and offers different treatment methods such as manual therapy, exercise therapy, traction, electrotherapy and hydrotherapy. While manual therapy relaxes the muscles and connective tissues in the area where the disc is located, the traction method is especially effective in relieving the pressure on the discs in the cervical and lumbar regions. Exercise programs help patients regain flexibility and strength, allowing them to return to daily activities.

Patient-Specific Exercise and Rehabilitation Programs
Every patient is unique, and that's why at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, orthopedists and physiotherapists prepare customized treatment plans based on the patient's condition and needs. Exercise programs designed for patients diagnosed with cervical or lumbar disc herniation aim to both reduce pain and maintain the correct position of the spine. Protective and strengthening exercises strengthen the waist and neck muscles while also helping to prevent future problems. This individualized approach minimizes the risk of recurrence and ensures a faster recovery.

Long-Term Recovery and Preventive Measures
Although they provide short-term relief, physical therapy programs are also important for long-term health. The treatments applied at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center focus on permanently solving the problems caused by disc herniations. In addition to ergonomic consultancy and training programs that improve patients' lifestyles and working conditions, awareness-raising activities are carried out on protecting back and neck health. During and after the recovery process, our patients are also informed about what they should do in their daily lives to protect their back and neck health.

Permanent Solutions with Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Robotic Rehabilitation Center provides the best possible care to patients with cervical and lumbar disc herniation, with modern treatment methods and technological equipment, as well as physiotherapists, each of whom is specialized in their field. Many patients whose treatment has been completed have experienced the difference of this center's dedicated work and personalized treatment approach, and they have begun to carry this healing experience in different areas of their lives. Robotic Rehabilitation Center may be the right address for those looking for a solution for disc herniation treatment for you or your loved ones.

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