Robotic Rehabilitation Center

How is Scoliosis Treated?

How is Scoliosis Treated?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

How is Scoliosis Treated?

What is Scoliosis? Description and General Information

Scoliosis, one of the disorders that directly affects the quality of life of many people today, occurs due to abnormal sideways bending and rotation of the spine. This condition, which is usually detected during childhood and adolescence, can be controlled with early diagnosis and effective treatment methods. Robotic Rehabilitation Center provides significant support in the fight against the disease with its first-class services and expert staff in scoliosis treatment.

Causes and Symptoms of Scoliosis

The causes of scoliosis may include genetic factors, environmental factors or some medical conditions. In most cases, the cause of scoliosis may not be fully known and it is called "idiopathic scoliosis". Symptoms of scoliosis include shoulder tilt, a spine protruding to its side, central misalignment of the head, and asymmetry at shoulder or hip level. These symptoms usually appear during growth periods.

Diagnosis of Scoliosis

Patients who apply to the Robotic Rehabilitation Center with suspicion of scoliosis are evaluated with detailed physical examination and imaging techniques. Posture analysis, flexibility tests, and measurement of spinal curvature are among the key steps in this diagnostic process. In addition, the structure of the spine is examined in detail with imaging methods such as X-ray and MRI and the degree of curvature is measured.

The Importance of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Scoliosis Treatment

The methods used in the treatment of scoliosis vary depending on the degree of curvature and the age of the patient. In cases of mild and moderate scoliosis, physical therapy, posture training and special exercise programs are primarily applied. Experienced therapists and rehabilitation specialists at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center develop personalized treatment plans for patients' specific conditions. In this way, the progression of scoliosis can be stopped or slowed down and the quality of daily life can be improved.

Advanced Scoliosis Treatment Options

In advanced cases of scoliosis, physical therapy methods may not be sufficient. In this case, surgical interventions may come into play. However, the rehabilitation process before and after surgery is of great importance. During the postoperative recovery period, physical therapy programs are organized to support the patient's spine health and facilitate the return to normal activities. Robotic Rehabilitation Center helps patients who have undergone scoliosis surgery to re-adapt to life with special rehabilitation programs.

Living with Scoliosis and Compliance with Physical Therapy

Living with scoliosis can become easier with personal motivation and professional support. One-on-one therapy sessions, workshops and informative seminars offered at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center aim to inform patients about methods of coping with scoliosis while also raising awareness on this issue. Continuous support and regular exercise are among the effective methods to overcome the difficulties of scoliosis. Especially for adolescent patients, adapting to the physical therapy process and having a positive attitude significantly increases the success of the treatment.

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we offer customized treatment plans and the most up-to-date treatment methods for each of our patients' needs. It is our priority to contribute to the improvement of your health and quality of life with the professionalism we show in scoliosis treatment and the support we provide to our patients. We are here to support you in the fight against scoliosis and offer you a carefree future.

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