Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Frozen Shoulder: Causes and Treatment Methods

  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Frozen Shoulder: Causes and Treatment Methods

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we are here to improve your quality of life with the first-class treatment methods we offer to our patients. Adhesive Capsulitis, more commonly known as frozen shoulder; It is a common disorder that causes pain and limitation of movement in the shoulder joint. In this article, we will discuss the causes of frozen shoulder and the effective treatment methods we prefer at our center, which is a pioneer in the field of physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is a condition characterized by hardening and thickening of the tissue layer called the capsule around the shoulder joint. It is usually seen in people between the ages of 40-60 and is more common in women than men. Although there are various triggering factors; Diabetes, unused (immobilized) shoulder, thyroid diseases, cardiovascular diseases and previous shoulder injuries can lead to frozen shoulder. A good understanding of the underlying causes is essential to successfully manage the treatment process and relieve patients' pain.

Treatment Methods
At our Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we approach frozen shoulder treatment with a holistic approach. Our treatment plan is tailored to each patient's needs and is versatile. Treatment usually begins with pain management. This may include drug treatments such as painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, or cortisone injections. However, the cornerstone of treatment is a carefully planned physical therapy and exercise program.

During the physical therapy process, passive and active movement exercises aim to eliminate adaptive shortness and strengthen the muscles by increasing the flexibility and range of motion of the shoulder joint. In addition to manual therapy, physiotherapy modalities such as ultrasound therapy and hot and cold applications also have therapeutic effects.

The exercise programs we prepare specifically for our patients include special movements that can be applied at home and gradually increase the mobility of the shoulder. These exercises enable our patients to regain independent mobility in a short time. However, as part of the treatment, it is also of great importance to analyze the patient's daily activities, prevent risky movements and teach correct body mechanics.

Comprehensive Treatment of Frozen Shoulder
We adopt personalized approaches to increase patients' motivation and participation throughout the treatment process. Our treatment process, which focuses on reducing pain and improving function, is also supported by recommendations and guiding consultancy services appropriate to our patients' lifestyles.

As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we constantly improve our knowledge and skills to overcome the health problems of our valued patients and offer the most effective treatment methods. We are proud to be with you with our scientific and evidence-based treatment methods for your frozen shoulder condition. You can trust our Robotic Rehabilitation Center to solve your shoulder pain and leave your frozen shoulder discomfort behind and start your treatment process with us.

Causal Factors and Treatment Methods
Adhesive Capsulitis, also known as Frozen Shoulder, is a health problem that causes serious limitations in the mobility of the shoulder joint. This disorder, characterized by tightening and thickening of the shoulder joint capsule, can make daily life difficult and cause pain. In this in-depth article, we will talk about how we, as Robotic Rehabilitation Center, can help you regain freedom of movement in your shoulder.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder
Frozen Shoulder is generally more common in middle-aged and elderly individuals. Although the exact cause of this condition is not fully known, it is known to occur under the influence of certain risk factors. Previous shoulder injuries, diabetes, and prolonged inactivity can increase the risk of developing frozen shoulder. Additionally, thyroid diseases and some heart diseases can also cause this condition.

Stages and Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder
Frozen Shoulder progresses in stages. The first phase is known as the freezing phase and is characterized by pain. The second stage is called the frozen stage, and in this stage, while the pain continues, the limitation of movement in the shoulder becomes more evident. The last phase is the resolution phase, where both pain and movement limitation begin to decrease.

The most common symptoms include shoulder and arm pain, limitation of movement in the shoulder, and night pain. These symptoms can make it difficult for a person to perform daily activities, especially movements that involve lifting the arm up or extending it behind the back.

Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder
One of the keys to treating frozen shoulder is physical therapy and rehabilitation. Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center offers professional support to regain your mobility by preparing special treatment plans for you. Treatment generally focuses on reducing pain and stiffness, increasing the flexibility of the capsule, and improving shoulder range of motion.

Manual Therapy: These techniques, applied by our expert physiotherapists, help loosen the hard tissues in the shoulder and increase the range of motion.
Exercise Therapy: Certain exercises are specifically designed for the patient and are recommended to be performed regularly to regain flexibility and strength of the shoulder.
Hot and Cold Applications: Heat and cold packs can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Electrotherapy: Electrical stimulation methods such as TENS can be used to control pain and speed up the healing process.
Acupuncture: In some cases, acupuncture techniques from traditional Chinese medicine can contribute to pain relief and loosening of tissues.

Innovative Treatment Methods
While our Robotic Rehabilitation Center offers the most up-to-date and effective methods in frozen shoulder treatment, these also include innovative approaches such as hydrotherapy and laser therapy. In the clinical environment, treatment protocols supported by innovative devices and techniques are offered according to the patient's needs.

During the frozen shoulder treatment process, it is important for patients to regularly perform the exercises prescribed by physiotherapists. In addition, it is possible to take an active role in this process with light exercises that will not tire the shoulder and movements that can be integrated into the daily routine. Our Robotic Rehabilitation Center is a center equipped with expertise and experience that allows you to overcome complex and troublesome health problems such as frozen shoulder. You can contact our experienced team to step into a healthy life and regain the mobility of your shoulder joint. The treatment methods offered to leave behind the pain and stiffness in your shoulder are professional support that will be with you throughout the rehabilitation process.

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