Robotic Rehabilitation Center

ESWT Treatment for Heel Spurs

ESWT Treatment for Heel Spurs
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

ESWT Treatment for Heel Spurs

Heel Spur Treatment: The Role of ESWT
Among the developing medical practices, ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) stands out with its effectiveness and minimally invasive nature among the methods used for the treatment of heel spurs. Robotic Rehabilitation Center offers this new generation treatment method to its patients, helping them get rid of foot pain. Plantar fasciitis, known as heel spur, can cause severe pain, especially in walking, standing and weight-bearing activities, and can significantly reduce the quality of daily life.

Causes and Symptoms of Heel Spur
Heel spur is a condition in which the plantar fascia on the sole of the foot is chronically overloaded, causing the bone to protrude and form new bone tissue. This protrusion can cause pain when walking or standing on the foot. Factors such as excess weight, standing for long periods of time, flat feet and walking on hard surfaces may predispose to heel spurs. Symptoms generally manifest as pain, burning sensation and difficulty walking. After the diagnosis of the heel spur problem is made at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, the most appropriate treatment method is determined.

The Role of ESWT in Heel Spur Treatment
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive (non-surgical) method used especially in the treatment of orthopedic diseases. ESWT accelerates the self-renewal and healing of the painful area by using high-energy shock waves. When applied specifically to heel spurs, ESWT's shock waves treat the inflamed plantar fascia tissue, contributing to the reduction of pain and acceleration of tissue repair. Robotic Rehabilitation Center applies this treatment in a customized way according to the needs of each patient, prioritizing patient comfort.

ESWT Treatment Process and Results
An ESWT treatment process at the Robotic Rehabilitation Center usually lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, depending on the patient's condition. The treatment is planned at regular intervals, usually once a week. The total number of treatments may vary depending on the patient's response and the effectiveness of the treatment. The advantages of the treatment include the absence of anesthesia, the possibility of outpatient treatment and a short recovery period. For most patients, ESWT provides a significant reduction in pain and discomfort and improves quality of life.

ESWT Applications of Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Robotic Rehabilitation Center, with its expert staff and state-of-the-art devices, successfully applies ESWT treatment to many patients with heel spur problems. The aim of the center is to develop treatment plans specific to patient needs and provide maximum benefit to each individual. This treatment may be an ideal solution for patients who do not respond to traditional treatments or do not prefer surgical intervention. Robotic Rehabilitation Center, where patient satisfaction is prioritized at every stage of the treatment process, offers the highest level of service to maximize the healing effects of ESWT in the treatment of heel spurs.

Why Should You Choose Robotic Rehabilitation Center?
Robotic Rehabilitation Center is determined to provide the highest standards of service to its valued patients with treatment methods based on modern, ethical and scientific foundations. Its trained and experienced expert staff helps you overcome physical ailments with innovative treatment solutions such as ESWT. Success rates in heel spur treatment and patient satisfaction are among the reasons for choosing the center. To take healthy steps, Robotic Rehabilitation Center invites you to meet ESWT treatment and step into a pain-free life.

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