Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Does Cervical Disc Herniation Cause Numbness in the Arms?

Does Cervical Disc Herniation Cause Numbness in the Arms?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Does Cervical Disc Herniation Cause Numbness in the Arms?

Cervical Hernia is a health problem that occurs when the discs in the neck region of the spine are damaged or displaced and is usually manifested by numbness in the arms and hands. This situation has become more common today with the spread of desk jobs and sedentary lifestyles. When cervical hernia occurs in the neck area of the spine that sees the most movement and carries the most weight, it can put pressure on the nerve roots and cause symptoms such as pain, loss of strength and numbness in the arm, shoulder and sometimes in the hand. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we offer detailed and comprehensive treatment approaches for cervical hernia problems, considering the health, quality of life and comfort of our patients.

In order to understand the effects of cervical hernia on the arms, it is necessary to know the anatomy of the spine and the functioning of the nervous system. The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae, and the discs between these vertebrae ensure smooth movement to maintain the flexibility of the spine. In the case of a cervical hernia, one of these discs becomes damaged or displaced and puts pressure on the spinal canal or surrounding nerve roots. This situation causes problems in transmitting messages, that is, commands such as feeling and moving, to the arms through the nerves originating from the spinal cord. As a result, patients often experience a feeling of heaviness in the arms, muscle weakness, limited movements or, most commonly, numbness.

These symptoms can make it difficult to perform activities of daily living and significantly reduce patients' quality of life. For example; Even seemingly simple tasks such as writing, grasping objects using the hand, or lifting weights can become quite difficult due to the numbness felt in the arms. Therefore, early diagnosis of the problem and implementation of an effective physical therapy program is vital.

At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we serve our valued patients with specially designed treatment plans. Together with our expert physiotherapists, we aim to minimize numbness problems caused by cervical hernia by using exercise programs, manual therapy techniques and modern devices developed to suit each patient's needs and lifestyle. In addition, we also inform our patients about exercises they can do at home and situations they need to pay attention to in daily life. Thus, we aim to bring the treatment process to our patients' own living spaces and ensure their active participation in the treatment process.

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