Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Development and Management of Lymphedema After Breast Cancer

Development and Management of Lymphedema After Breast Cancer
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Development and Management of Lymphedema After Breast Cancer

Many women treated for breast cancer face the risk of developing lymphedema as a result of treatment. Lymphedema is a condition characterized by disruption of the balance of fluids in the body and abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues as a result of damage or blockage in the lymphatic system. Surgical interventions and radiotherapy performed around the lymphatic system in breast cancer treatment may lead to decreased lymph circulation and therefore predispose to lymphedema.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation are a key element in lymphedema management that significantly improves patients' quality of life. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, a comprehensive approach is adopted to intervene in the early stages of lymphedema development. We offer our patients customized lymphedema prevention programs, which include regular manual lymphatic drainage, skin care, use of appropriate compression garments, exercise programs, and breathing techniques.

The decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT) we apply at our center is a method considered the gold standard in the management of lymphedema. In this therapy, our experienced therapists first stimulate lymph flow by applying manual lymph drainage (MLD) and then help our patients remove the fluid from the tissues by applying specially measured compression tapes. While this part of the treatment process helps control edema, integrating appropriate exercises encourages fluid movement and increases lymph flow.

In addition to the treatment process, we also provide training to our patients on lymphedema management in our center. Self-care education, one of the most important elements in disease management, enables patients to gain the necessary knowledge and skills both during and after their treatment. Skin care and hygiene, fluid intake, nutrition and guidance on managing activity levels in daily life are among the important parts of this training.

As the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, our goal is to offer the most innovative and individualized treatment options to breast cancer patients at risk of developing lymphedema. Our treatment plans are tailored to each patient's lifestyle and needs, allowing us to provide a personalized plan to best support their recovery and prevent or manage the development of lymphedema.

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