Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Cerebral Palsy and Sensory Integration

Cerebral Palsy and Sensory Integration
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Cerebral Palsy and Sensory Integration

Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological disorders that occur during the developmental period and lead to long-term changes in motor functions. This condition can occur as a result of damage or abnormal development of the brain and can affect children's muscle control, coordination, balance and mobility. As Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we offer a comprehensive rehabilitation and treatment approach using sensory integration techniques to improve the quality of life of individuals with cerebral palsy. In this article, we will cover the basic concepts of cerebral palsy and sensory integration so that you can have a more informed perspective on these two topics.

Basic Information About Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy can occur in various types and levels of severity. There are different forms: spastic, dyskinesia, ataxic, hypotonic and mixed. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, we develop specific physical therapy and rehabilitation programs, taking into account the individual needs of each child. Aiming to improve children's self-care activities, social interactions and educational processes, as well as motor functions, these programs aim to increase the independence of individuals with cerebral palsy and enable them to reach their best potential.

Sensory Integration in Cerebral Palsy
Sensory integration, as a neurological process, is concerned with the organization and interpretation of sensory information received from the environment. In the case of cerebral palsy, sensory processing and integration mechanisms may also be affected. In order to ensure communication between the senses and the transformation of this information into appropriate motor and behavioral responses, Robotic Rehabilitation Center applies various sensory integration therapies as part of the rehabilitation process. Thanks to these therapies, positive effects are observed on children's daily living skills and learning abilities.

Cerebral Palsy and Sensory Integration Therapies
At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, sensory integration therapies are carried out by experienced therapists. Applications that stimulate children's touch, balance, movement, auditory and visual senses are generally designed using game-based activities. These therapies help children process sensory stimuli more effectively, thus improving their motor and sensory responses. Children adapt to treatment more easily and achieve long-term gains thanks to the fun and motivating nature of therapy.

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