Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Can Stroke Be Treated?

Can Stroke Be Treated?
  • Robotik Rehabilitasyon Merkezi

Can Stroke Be Treated?

A stroke can be an unexpected turn in your life and may cause you to experience loss of physical functions during this time. However, instead of despairing, focusing on the physical therapy and rehabilitation process can open the doors to regaining health. "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation" offers a second chance to many stroke patients by enabling them to return to walking, speaking and daily living activities. Robotic Rehabilitation Center in Istanbul aims to support your post-stroke recovery process with its expert staff and state-of-the-art treatment methods.

The Importance of Physical Therapy After Stroke
A stroke occurs when blood flow to a certain part of the brain is blocked. This can cause the body parts that control the functions in the damaged part of the brain to lose mobility. Although the recovery process varies depending on the degree of damage and the patient's personal motivation, physical therapy is one of the first and most critical steps to living an independent life again. Robotic Rehabilitation Center helps restore motor skills and functions by responding to the needs of each individual with customized treatment plans.

Personalized Physical Therapy Approaches
The physical therapy process after stroke is shaped according to the individual's current condition and goals. For this reason, the Robotic Rehabilitation Center makes a detailed evaluation of each patient and prepares special treatment plans for them. Comprehensive evaluation; It includes variables such as muscle strength, coordination, balance and flexibility. Additionally, exercises that promote neuroplasticity allow patients to learn how to reuse parts affected by stroke. The aim of the center is to enable patients to return to their activities of daily living as quickly as possible.

Technology Supported Rehabilitation Programs
Robotic Rehabilitation Center increases the effectiveness of stroke treatment by using innovative technologies and rehabilitation programs. Methods such as robotic rehabilitation and virtual reality strengthen the treatment process and increase the motivation of patients. These technological solutions aim to minimize the loss of freedom resulting from stroke by individualizing patients to their needs.

The Role of Physical Activity and Exercise Programs
Physical activity is very important during the recovery process after stroke. At the Robotic Rehabilitation Center, individuals are encouraged to exercise in a safe and controlled environment. Exercise programs enable patients to gain strength, increase their flexibility and improve their mobility. Specially designed exercises aim to reactivate the muscles affected by paralysis by supporting the development of motor and sensory skills.

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