Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Cookie Policy


As Robotic Rehabilitation Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center, we work to protect the privacy of people who use our site in order to ensure that our users benefit from our services safely and completely. In this context, this Cookie Policy has been created by our Company to ensure your rights and privacy.

The Cookie Policy is valid for the websites operated by our company and platforms accessed and used through mobile applications, third party programs or websites.

By using our company website, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. If you do not approve of the use of cookies, we request that you do not continue on the website or change your cookie preferences as shown in this Policy. We would like to remind you that if cookies are not allowed, some features of the website may lose their functionality.

This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the "Personal Data Protection Policy". We recommend that you review our "Personal Data Protection Policy" for more detailed information about the processing of your personal data by our company.

What is a Cookie?

Cookie is the name given to small data files that website visitors leave on their computers or mobile devices. Cookies are widely used in the virtual world and are defined as automatic pre-acceptance in web browsers, so they can record your device's language, settings, etc. regarding your visit. It helps remember information. By reading these data files that users create when they first connect, the next time they connect, websites have the opportunity to work more efficiently and quickly load user settings such as the site language.

What are the Cookie Types?

Cookies are divided into different types according to criteria such as their storage time on mobile devices and who placed them. The basic distinction within these criteria is as follows:

Session Cookies Session cookies are cookies that are valid during your use of the website and they remain valid until the web browser is closed.
Persistent Cookies These cookies are cookies that are stored in your browser and remain valid until they are deleted by you or until the expiration date.
Mandatory Cookies These are cookies that must be used in order for the website to function properly, for you to benefit from the features of the site and the services offered.
Functional and Analytical Cookies These are cookies that are used for purposes such as remembering your preferences, using the website effectively, optimizing the site to respond to your requests, and containing data about how you use the site. Due to their nature, these types of cookies may contain your personal data. For example, cookies that record your preference for the display language of the site are functional cookies.
Tracking Cookies Tracking cookies are primary and third-party cookies created during your visit to our website and domain names belonging to third parties. These cookies make it possible to track your click and visit history in the domain names in which they were created and to Decrypt these records between different domain names. Such cookies are used for the purpose of recognition and profiling of users, targeting of advertising and marketing activities and customization of content. These cookies will not be used to determine your identity or to make personal decisions.
First-Party Cookies First-party cookies are cookies placed on the device by the visited website operator.
Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies are cookies that are placed and controlled on the device by people other than the visited website operator.


What is the Purpose of the Use of Cookies?

Cookies are used for many different purposes. The main objectives of these goals are as follows::

  • To improve the services offered to you in order to increase the functionality and performance of the website,
  • To improve the website and to offer new features through the Website,
  • To be able to offer a more personalized and more interesting experience for visitors,
  • To ensure the legal and commercial security of the Website, users and our Company.
  • To be able to do product and service promotion work for your interest,
  • To be able to fulfill the legal and contractual obligations, especially those arising from the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and the Fight Against Crimes Committed Through These Publications and the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles for Regulating Publications Made on the Internet.

Can Confidential Information Be Kept Through Cookies?

Our company does not store confidential information of its users through cookies. Cookies only contain information about your visit history and do not access files stored on your computer or mobile device. Our Company has the right to make changes to this Cookie Policy without notifying its users or website visitors.

How Can You Control Cookies?

You can control or delete cookies as you wish. You can delete the cookies that are already present on your device and set your internet browser to block cookies. Preferences regarding cookies must be made separately for each device on which the visitor accesses the Platform.

However, we would like to warn that if you set your browser to block cookies, some of the services on our website may not work properly.

To turn off cookies;

  • In Chrome, you can use the “Settings/Privacy/Content Settings/Disable cookie usage” option in your browser settings.
  • For Internet Explorer users, you can use the following options: ”Options/Internet Settings/Privacy/Settings".
  • For Firefox users: you can use the options ”Tools/ Options’/ Privacy/ Cookie acceptance method/Until Firefox is turned off".
  • For Safari users: you can use the option ”Preferences/ Privacy/ Website Data/Select one or more websites/Delete all".
  • For Opera users: you can use the ”Preferences/Advanced/Cookies" option.
  • Changes to the Cookie Policy

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